C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
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215 lines
HEADER: c2ke.c
TITLE: Cartesian-to-Keplerian conversion routine
DESCRIPTION: This routine converts Cartesian xyz position and velocity
elements to the six classical Keplerian orbital
elements. In addition, this routine outputs the orbit
period, true and eccentric anomalies, and semi-latus
Required inputs are the Cartesian position and velocity
plus mu for the central body.
KEYWORDS: Astrodynamics, orbital mechanics, Keplerian elements,
Cartesian coordinates
SYSTEM: MS-DOS, PC-DOS (Coded with Ver. 3.3, but should be version
FILENAME: c2ke.c
UNITS: I believe that the code is not dependent on any particular
set of units. See orbcons.h for the value of earth mu
I use.
WARNINGS: This routine was coded for educational purposes, using
conversion techniques given in the reference. No attempt
has been made to provide conversions with optimal numerical
stability, although some simple checks have been included
to flag exceptional conditions, such as equatorial or circular
orbits. Note that not every Keplerian element is defined
for every type of orbit. For example, circular orbits have
no defined argument of periapsis (w); equatorial orbits have
no defined longitude of the ascending node (lan).
SEE-ALSO: k2ce.c, orbcons.h
AUTHORS: Rodney Long
19003 Swan Drive
Gaithersburg, MD 20879
COMPILERS: Microsoft C 5.1
REFERENCE: Bate, Mueller, White: Fundamentals of Astrodynamics
#include <stdio.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "orbcons.h"
double c[6],k[6],mu,aux[4];
char filename[31];
FILE *fp;
printf("Enter input file name: \n");
fp = fopen(filename,"r");
printf("filename = %s\n",filename);
if ( fp == NULL) {
perror("Open error \n");
fscanf(fp,"%lf %lf %lf",&c[0],&c[1],&c[2]);
fscanf(fp,"%lf %lf %lf",&c[3],&c[4],&c[5]);
printf("Input pos/vel: \n");
printf("%25.16lf %25.16lf %25.16lf\n",c[0],c[1],c[2]);
printf("%25.16lf %25.16lf %25.16lf\n",c[3],c[4],c[5]);
printf("Input mu: %25.16lf\n",mu);
printf("Output elements (a,e,i,lan,w,m):\n");
printf("%25.16lf %25.16lf %25.16lf\n",k[0],k[1],k[2]);
printf("%25.16lf %25.16lf %25.16lf\n",k[3],k[4],k[5]);
printf("True anom, eccen anom, semi-latus rectum: \n");
printf("%25.16lf %25.16lf %25.16lf\n",aux[0],aux[1],aux[2]);
printf("Period: \n");
// This routine converts Cartesian position and velocity
// to classical Keplerian elements, for elliptical
// orbits.
// Input : c[6] -- pos/vel;
// mu -- mu of central body
// Output: k[6] -- a,e,i,lan,w,m
// ** i,lan,w,m are output in degrees **
c2ke(double *c,double mu,double *k, double *aux)
double a,e,i,lan,m,p,w;
double hmagsq, rmag, vmag, vmagsq, rdv;
double h1,h2,h3;
double x,y,z,xd,yd,zd;
double ee, e1, e2, e3;
double n1, n2;
double t, u;
double cosnu, nde, nu, period;
x = c[0]; // Get input pos
y = c[1];
z = c[2];
xd = c[3]; // Get input vel
yd = c[4];
zd = c[5];
rmag = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z); // Get pos/vel mag
vmagsq = xd*xd + yd*yd + zd*zd;
vmag = sqrt(vmagsq);
rdv = x*xd + y*yd +z*zd; // Get pos dot vel
// Calculate angular momentum vector hbar =
// (h1,h2,h3) = pos cross vel.
// hbar is orthogonal to the orbit plane.
h1 = y*zd - z*yd;
h2 = z*xd - x*zd;
h3 = x*yd - y*xd;
hmagsq = h1*h1 + h2*h2 + h3*h3;
// Node vector nbar =
// (-h2,h1,0).
// nbar is in the orbit plane and points from
// orbit focus to the ascending node.
n1 = -h2;
n2 = h1;
// Calculate eccentricity vector ebar =
// (e1,e2,e3).
// ebar is in the orbit plane and points from
// the orbit focus toward periapis. The magnitude
// of ebar is the eccentricity.
t = vmagsq - mu/rmag;
u = 1/mu;
e1 = u * ( t * x - rdv * xd);
e2 = u * ( t * y - rdv * yd);
e3 = u * ( t * z - rdv * zd);
// Calculate semi-latus rectum
p = hmagsq/mu;
// Calculate eccentricity
e = sqrt(e1*e1 + e2*e2 + e3*e3);
// Calculate semi-major axis
if ( e != 1 ) {
a = p/(1 - e*e);
} else {
a = 0;
printf("a is infinite; orbit is parabolic \n");
// Calculate inclination
i = atan2(sqrt(h1*h1 + h2*h2),h3);
if (i < 0) i += TWOPI;
// Calculate long of asc node
if (i == 0 ) {
lan = 0;
printf("lan is undefined; orbit is equatorial. \n");
} else {
// lan is angle between node vector nbar and
// the positive x-axis.
lan = atan2(h1,-h2);
if (lan < 0 ) lan += TWOPI;
// Calculate arg of periapsis
if ( e != 0 && ( fabs(n1) + fabs(n2) != 0 ) ) {
nde = n1 * e1 + n2 * e2;
w = acos(nde/(sqrt(n1*n1 + n2*n2) * e));
if ( e3 < 0 ) {
w = TWOPI - w;
} else {
printf("e or node vec is zero; arg of perigee is undefined \n");
w = 0;
// Calculate true anomaly
cosnu = (e1*x + e2*y + e3*z)/(e * rmag);
nu = acos(cosnu);
if (rdv <= 0 ) {
nu = TWOPI - nu;
// Calculate eccentric anomaly
ee = acos((e + cosnu)/(1+ e* cosnu));
if (rdv < 0) {
ee = TWOPI - ee;
// Calculate mean anomaly
m = ee - e*sin(ee);
// Calculate period
period = (TWOPI/sqrt(mu)) * pow(a,1.5);
// Output results
k[0] = a; // Semi-major axis
k[1] = e; // Eccentricity
k[2] = i *RTD; // Inclination
k[3] = lan*RTD; // Long of ascending node
k[4] = w *RTD; // Arg of periapsis
k[5] = m *RTD; // Mean anomaly
aux[0] = nu *RTD; // True anomaly
aux[1] = ee *RTD; // Eccentric anomaly
aux[2] = p; // Semi-latus rectum
aux[3] = period; // Period